Dear CPS Community,
Welcome to the Rindge School of Technical Arts! I am so excited to join the RSTA team. I look forward to collaborating and engaging with our students, parents/guardians, educators, community members, business managers, and civic organizations.
Having been involved in Career and Technical Education (CTE) for the past 28 years, I look forward to supporting our students, expanding options for learners of all ages, maintaining and growing our programs, and inspiring students from all of the middle and upper schools to learn more about CTE.
RSTA’s instructors are an incredibly talented group of content experts and educators. In collaboration with our two career support specialists, they are dedicated to educating our students about post-secondary options and opportunities; whether it be apprenticeships, work exploration, colleges/universities, unions, or the military.
As I acclimate to RSTA, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. If you would like to meet with me,
contact me via email. It would be a pleasure!
I look forward to encouraging all students in this wonderful city to explore their options at RSTA!
Linda Maria Radzvilla, M. Ed.