Business Education

About the Program
The Business Education Program contributes to the development in students knowledge, skills, and attributes along with an awareness of how their community, including business and industry, works. Young people need to be 'opportunity ready' with professional preparation. The hands-on learning approach is directed towards developing in young people those skills, competencies, understandings, and attributes which equip them to be innovative, and to identify, create, initiate, and successfully manage personal, community, business, and work opportunities, including working for themselves.

Business Education encourages the development of skills and attributes that employers are looking for, such as teamwork, commitment, and flexibility. It also helps to develop in students a realistic knowledge and understanding of business, finances, and working life. This cluster of programs focuses on broad, transferable skills and stresses the understanding and demonstration of the following elements of the business industry: planning, management, finance, technical and production skills, underlying principles of technology, labor issues, and health, safety and environmental issues.

Business courses include: Personal Finance, Marketing and Retail Management (including practical experiences working in the School Store), Banking (including summer training and practical experience working in the CRLS branch of the East Cambridge Savings Bank), and Entrepeneurship/Business.

Program Staff

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